Cannabinoid Facts Label

This is one way to disclose Cannabinoid and Terpene content in a product, much like the FDA-mandated Nutrition Facts and Supplement Facts already familiar to consumers.

The advantage of this for the consumer is obvious, but how does it help the manufacturer? Because raw lab reports often reveal trade secrets. To the knowledgeable eye they show things you may not want known.

Does any other industry distribute raw lab reports in lieu of a disclosure label like a Cannabinoid Facts, such as in food and drugs? No. The format of this is what consumers want to see and regulators demand, in a format they’ll accept. Once normalized, Cannabis products will disclose content like this, not with a CoA.

After designing hundreds of Nutrition Facts and food labels since 1980 I invented this, but it was so obvious it was just a matter of time before someone did.

Feel free to use it, I want you to; that’s the point. Modify as needed. Feel free to use under Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 license: CC BY-SA 4.0. Original Copyright 2015-2022 Richard Rose.

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