While the echo chamber drones on about parasite pill Ivermectin no one is talking about the dodgy reason FDA recently banned N-acetyle-L-cysteine (NAC), which actually does work against virii such as Covid-19.
It’s long been my magic go-to med for flu, knocks it out in a day. But because one company tested it one time for another condition 61 years ago, FDA banned this cheap safe nontoxic effective dietary supplement.
One 2020 study concluded:
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is inexpensive, has very low toxicity, has been FDA approved for many years, and has the potential to improve therapeutic strategies for COVID-19. NAC administered intravenously, orally, or inhaled, may suppress SARS-CoV-2 replication and may improve outcomes if used timely. Potential therapeutic benefits of NAC include, extracellularly scavenging ROS radicals, replenishing intracellular GSH, suppression of cytokine storm, and T cell protection, thus mitigating inflammation and tissue injury. NAC administration in combination with other antiviral agents may dramatically reduce hospital admission rate, mechanical ventilation and mortality.”
Read more: https://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2021/05/11/CRN-This-is-not-the-final-word-on-NAC