Project Review Service

Since you only have one chance to pitch any particular investor, why not make the pitch as good as you can?

I will review your project and make suggestions for improvement. Why me? This is why.

Contact and tell me a little about your project (no secrets, just the public version) and if I think I can add value, I’ll let you know. If I can’t, I’ll let you know that as well.

If it’s a go I’ll send you a Non-Disclosure Agreement to sign and send back.

Then send me your plan, report, sketches, idea, or whatever you have to communicate the project. I’ll review your project and make suggestions within 2 weeks.

If I know someone who can help you, I’ll tell you.

If your project is amazing, I’ll tell you so.

If it sucks, I’ll tell you that too.

If it’s been done before, I’ll tell you.

I’m not willing to blindly cheerlead people into bad projects.

Nor will I leverage it for a job or consulting gig.

But I will put the CannLib Collection to work on it, see what it says, ~20,000 documents strong.

I charge $500 to apply my over four decades in business to your project.

Click here to send me a message if you have questions or to get started.

It might be the most important $500 you ever spend.

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