Hemp’s Low-Hanging Fruit

The lack of interest among the industry in low-hanging hemp product (hence acreages) strategies proven to work for decades is stunning. It’s like everyone thinks none of this existed for decades already by many of the same people actually still doing it today, just 2019 or whenever it is they got into hemp. The other 24,999 hemp products get grants priority instead of the one easy win known to drive acres.

The industry which scrubs its past has no future. Reinventing the wheel poorly and letting the same people make the mistakes again; blacklisting for fun and profit the OGs who have previously trod this path successfully… it all could have been handled better, way better.

Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else.” -Churchill

Literally not one contemporary journalist or author has documented how we got here; not a single one (Hemp Today and The Richard Rose Report notwithstanding).

Consequently, people have no context, no sense of evolution and progress. That makes them easier to manipulate and control by those marketers skilled at creating new Fauxthentic stories from the slimmest of premises.

What people don’t understand is that true hemp culture isn’t horticultural, it’s agricultural/broadacre. Not 10 acres, but 1,000. Don’t think marijuana, but rather corn.

Drug hemp (CBD, CBG, D8/9/10, etc) only exists as a regulatory workaround, due to the definition of hemp. Most of those doing hemp a long while actually don’t consider drug hemp to truly be hemp; hemp ‘noids is just a regulatory fiction we all agree to because 0.3%. But stripped of that workaround, it isn’t really hemp in any way shape or form. It’s just <0.3% max D9 THC drug-type Cannabis, that’s all. It’s closer to Kush than rope.

To put together a real true hemp project will take either a deep-pocket corporation with a visionary CEO, or a co-op cobbling together farmers and money to build processing and share ag equipment.

Doing general field trials instead of building demand first is putting the cart before the horse; it risks knowing which variety to grow but having no market to grow it for. Smart farmers will do their own trials first anyway, and not rely on data from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

The industry desperately needs demand-creation projects in order to prove there’s a reason to grow it in the first place or all those field trials will be for naught.

But how to build demand? We did it once 25 years ago, we can do it again today. It’s just fundamental marketing, like they use to sell us soap, Viagra®️, or fascism.

Learn more: https://The-HFA.org