11 Useful Resources for Hemp Companies

The following are some useful links to 11 very good resources for Hemp companies. Some are quite long and detailed, a few hundred pages.

The State of Minnesota published a great manual on hemp, with quite a bit on food:

Building an Industrial Hemp Industry In Minnesota
“With the interest in industrial hemp growing both nationally and internationally, and the passage of the 2018 farm bill allowing cultivation of the crop in the U.S., AURI has decided to put together this comprehensive report, which provides an overview for the history and background of hemp around the globe and the United States.”

Congressional Research Service reports are the best way for anyone to quickly get up to speed on major political issues without having to worry about spin — from the same source Congress uses.

CRS is Congress’ think tank, and its reports are relied upon by academics, businesses, judges, policy advocates, students, librarians, journalists, and policymakers for accurate and timely analysis of important policy issues. The reports are not classified and do not contain individualized advice to any specific member of Congress. Here are five on hemp from them:

Defining Hemp: A Fact Sheet

FDA Regulation of Cannabidiol (CBD) Consumer Products: Overview and Considerations for Congress

FDA Regulation of Cannabidiol (CBD) Consumer Products

Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol (CBD) and Related Hemp Extracts

The Evolution of Marijuana as a Controlled Substance and the Federal-State Policy Gap

AgriFutures Australia focuses on building a better future for Australian agriculture. They represent the interests and aspirations of primary producers and rural communities, delivering real value. Here are four hemp resources from them:

Establishment of a national industrial hemp variety trial (IHVT)

Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Industrial Hemp Conference

Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2020

Australian Industrial Hemp Industry: Pesticide Review and Evaluation Program

U.S. FDA Food Export Certificates
“FDA issues different types of export certification for different food products. In limited circumstances, other federal agencies may issue export certificates for FDA-regulated food products, usually regarding compliance with foreign standards. It is the exporter’s responsibility to comply with the laws of the importing country, so you may wish to consult your importer or the relevant regulatory authorities in the importing country to determine what type of export certificate is required, if any.”

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