CBD recommendations for tooth pain?

CBD recommendations for tooth pain?

I've never used it before (or weed recreationally) so I'm at a loss at to what would be good. Tincture? Gummies? How many mg? I have a wisdom tooth that's causing extreme pain, wake me up in the middle of the night even though I'm ready to puke from how much Tylenol I've had.

The dentist referred me to an oral surgeon, the tooth is completely horizontal and he said I'll likely be prescribed an opiate painkiller, which is something a person in my family has had addiction issues with, so I'm scared to take that, so I thought I'd get some CBD. I'm in San Antonio, TX, if that matters, there are local places here or I could order online. The surgery is next week.

Thank you so much for any insight.

submitted by /u/hervivore to r/CBD
[link] [comments] #CBD #Hemp https://www.reddit.com/r/CBD/comments/idd957/cbd_recommendations_for_tooth_pain/ August 20, 2020 4:13 pm