Does Lazarus Naturals high potency CBD have more than 3% THC or did I do my math wrong?

Does Lazarus Naturals high potency CBD have more than 3% THC or did I do my math wrong?

Hi according to this the top lab study on the lab reports

theres 1.61mg of THC per serving, 120 servings in the bottle = 193mg and 6000mg total product… so would that mean it’s 3.22%? Why do I keep seeing 0.3% or less THC in full spectrum cbd…. is my math wrong somehow?

I keep sometimes getting high when I take this stuff and I think thats why if my maths right… the .3% or less THC stuff I never do.

submitted by /u/forgottoholdbeer to r/CBD
[link] [comments] #CBD #Hemp August 20, 2020 5:28 pm