Transdermal Patches

Transdermal Patches

I have degenerative disc disease in my lower spine as well as something I forget the name of but eventually it will be rhumetoid arthritis. All my joints are going but mainly my L4 L5. I'm in recovery so I can't go to a doctor they just offer pain meds after they look at the MRI of my spine. Last doctor said “ooof what do you want?” and didnt understand I dont want pain meds I want help.

I found a doctor who was at the time doing a radical treatment were they used radio frequencies in my spine and fried the nerves which worked fucking great. BUT it has worn off I got 3 years out of it and I dont have 10 grand to do it again.

The pain is back and im already so tired after a month of this. I want to (and have tried) transdermal patches but NOW there are thousands of websites, too many stores in my state (NJ) and I feel lost when I am trying to find a solution. I read the rules of the sub and I DO NOT want to violate but can someone tell me what NOT to do. What advice can I get to avoid follies of time and money being wasted? I'm not sleeping. I'm crying pretty regularly due to the pain. I just don't think I can do another 10 years of this as I did before.

submitted by /u/volatileutopia to r/CBD
[link] [comments] #CBD #Hemp September 8, 2020 5:31 pm