[Phytochemistry of Cannabis sativa and its variation in different types].

[Phytochemistry of Cannabis sativa and its variation in different types].

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[Phytochemistry of Cannabis sativa and its variation in different types].

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2020 Aug;45(15):3556-3564

Authors: Yang LX, Li CR, Gao W

Cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana or hemp, is an annual herb which belongs to Cannabinaceae family. It is often dioecious, originally produced in Central Asia and now is widely distributed in the world, wild or cultivated, with many varieties. As an ancient plant, C.sativa has been used for thousands of years, and its fiber has been used in many aspects, but it is also widely disputed because it contains tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), a psychoactive ingredient. It has been listed as one of the three major drugs by "United Nations Drug Convention", along with heroin and cocaine. Nowadays, with the deepening and comprehensive understanding of C.sativa, it has been widely studied because of its great economic value in the fields of textile, chemicals for daily use, medicine and so on. In this paper, the literature about the chemical compositios and species variation of C.sativa at home and abroad was reviewed in order to provide some reference for its researches.

PMID: 32893544 [PubMed – in process]

#CBD #Hemp https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32893544?dopt=Abstract