PubMed: Correction: Wang, F.; Multhoff, G. Repurposing Cannabidiol as a Potential Drug Candidate for Anti-Tumor Therapies. <em>Biomolecules</em> 2021, <em>11</em>, 582

PubMed: Correction: Wang, F.; Multhoff, G. Repurposing Cannabidiol as a Potential Drug Candidate for Anti-Tumor Therapies. <em>Biomolecules</em> 2021, <em>11</em>, 582

Biomolecules. 2023 Jan 24;13(2):225. doi: 10.3390/biom13020225.


There was a misplaced reference in the original article in the first paragraph of Section 6 “Clinical Trials with CBD” […].

PMID:36830770 | DOI:10.3390/biom13020225–a3-xbLzPoB9xM&fc=20220928170152&ff=20230225152225&v=2.17.9.post6+86293ac February 25, 2023 11:00 am