Original Articles


If You Want a Better Society… Then Legalize Marijuana. Here’s Why.

At first blush legalizing marijuana might seem trivial, insignificant. But in fact it impacts so much of society, and all for the better. The economy, jobs, public safety, industrial hemp, real estate, farming, public health and well-being, workplace safety, policing, taxation, mental health, racism, civil liberties, government corruption, and much more. A nonpartisan issue, reform … Continue reading "If You Want a Better Society Then Legalize Marijuana. Here’s Why."...
R U a Hemp Nut?

R U a Hemp Nut?

The Cannabis Art Guild is proud to offer the community the next generation in Conscious Activist gear. Wear your activism proudly with the HempNut T-shirt. The pioneering iconic Hemp Food brand, The Original HempNut “Hulled Hempseed,” has returned to the Cannabis community after more than 20 years, with a message of Hope and Unity for … Continue reading "R U a Hemp Nut?"...
1999: HempNut, Inc. Banner Ads for Hemp Food

1999: HempNut, Inc. Banner Ads for Hemp Food

Back in 1999 websites were fairly static, before embedded videos and Flash. Many still had excruciatingly slow dial-up connections to the internet, so file size had to be small. Some of us remember waiting hours to download one small image, and we still thought it was the coolest thing. Thus the only practical way to … Continue reading "1999: HempNut, Inc. Banner Ads for Hemp Food"...

More Than Just Taste and Smell: Examining the Complexity and Diversity of Terpene Profiles from Popular Cannabis Strains

“Cannabis synthesizes a diversity of secondary metabolites. Selection and breeding has resulted in strains with enhanced cannabinoid potency and unique flavor profiles called chemotypes. Volatile organic compounds known as terpenes are responsible for the taste and smell of cannabis are becoming recognized as medicinal molecules in their own right. Our goal here is to create a botanical … Continue reading "More Than Just Taste and Smell: Examining the Complexity and Diversity of Terpene Profiles from Popular Cannabis Strains"...

New Guidance on Cannabinoid Products in U.K.

From Ilesol, “New Guidance on CBD in the UK”: “According to the guidance from the Home Office, the products on the market that can be exempted from the ban of the controlled substances are those whose components don’t contain more than one milligram of a controlled substance. The threshold of one milligram made it possible … Continue reading "New Guidance on Cannabinoid Products in U.K."...
Even at 5%, the MORE Act Net Tax is Less: 280e

Even at 5%, the MORE Act Net Tax is Less: 280e

Pretending we’re going to escape the 84-year lie of Prohibition with no federal tax to pay off the bastards is juvenile. Especially since losing 280e way more than makes up for it. Adding in loss of 280e, the net tax on a commercial grower is much less, even at 5-10%. That’s how to view your … Continue reading "Even at 5%, the MORE Act Net Tax is Less: 280e"...

List of Known Cannabinoids

Here’s a list of Cannabinoids known as of June 2020. Such a list will always be growing, as new Cannabinoids are discovered and invented often. Thank you to Palms Island Products for compiling it. 1           Cannabigerovarin (CBGV)               2           Cannabigerovarinic acid (CBGVA) 3           Cannabigerol (CBG)                         4           Cannabigerolic acid (CBGA)           5           O-Methlycannabigerol                    6           Cannabigerolic acid methylether  7           … Continue reading "List of Known Cannabinoids"...

Colo: Doing It Before You Knew It Could Be Done

Hats off to Colorado hemp farmers pioneering today’s CBD industry starting in 2013, even before the 2014 Farm Bill, and laboring under 0.3% total THC the whole time. Amending the MORE Act is our golden opportunity to fix hemp. 1% delta-9 max THC if not CBD:THC ratio >1, pot felon rehab, GRAS for CBD, removing … Continue reading "Colo: Doing It Before You Knew It Could Be Done"...

Free Downloads

These free downloads from The Richard Rose Report are subject to the terms in the Blah Blah Blah section below. Click each button to download it:...
Nobacco (smokable hemp) FTW

Nobacco (smokable hemp) FTW

Smokable hemp has profoundly positive public health implications, a true smoking cessation tool, the first natural non-tobacco tobacco replacement. It could save millions of lives. So then why are states banning it? From The Atlantic: The Easy Way for Joe Biden to Save Lives “Eliminating nicotine from tobacco products could help up to 5 million … Continue reading "Nobacco (smokable hemp) FTW"...
E.U.: Hemp CBD Legal

E.U.: Hemp CBD Legal

The EU’s European External Action Service shared with all United Nations Member States the conclusions of the CJEU regarding CBD and the Single Convention: “must be interpreted as precluding national legislation which prohibits the marketing of CBD lawfully produced in another Member State when it is extracted from , unless that legislation is appropriate for … Continue reading "E.U.: Hemp CBD Legal"...
MORE Act Fiscal Analysis

MORE Act Fiscal Analysis

Click here to see and download the fiscal analysis on the MORE Act from the CBO. It’s just this:...
The Overton Window Problem

The Overton Window Problem

One reason legalization is so slow is the legalization industry’s mismanagement of the Overton Window. Well, that plus not wanting to find new jobs once successful, a perverse incentive. We need a pro-legalization group to stake out the far left of the Window. The smart thing to do would be for NORML et al to … Continue reading "The Overton Window Problem"...
Thoughts on December 2, “our” Liberation Day

Thoughts on December 2, “our” Liberation Day

First, here’s the recap of the historic United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs decision on December 2: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation to delete cannabis and cannabis resin from Schedule IV of the 1961 Convention, but to maintain it in Schedule I of the 1961 Convention was decided by 27 votes to 25 and … Continue reading "Thoughts on December 2, “our” Liberation Day"...

Historic U.N. Cannabis Vote Tally

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation to delete cannabis and cannabis resin from Schedule IV of the 1961 Convention, but to maintain it in Schedule I of the 1961 Convention was decided by 27 votes to 25 and with one abstention to follow this recommendation. Cannabis and cannabis resin will accordingly be deleted from Schedule … Continue reading "Historic U.N. Cannabis Vote Tally"...

The U.N. Legalizes Marijuana, Internationally

PRESS RELEASE U.N. revokes 60-year ban – declares cannabis legitimate medicine BREAKING NEWS – Today the United Nations took the bold step of removing cannabis from Schedule IV of the 1961 drug Convention treaty , 6 decades after its placement, recognizing the therapeutic value of this century-old medicinal plant and no longer considering it as … Continue reading "The U.N. Legalizes Marijuana, Internationally"...

Half of Big Pharma Studies Fabricated Data, FDA Knows But Ignores It

FDA is but a Thug protecting the profits of the Mafia known as Big Pharma, not your health or safety. Lives hang in the balance but meanwhile they claim Cannabis is not medicine despite 47 states, tens of thousands of studies, and thousands of years of use to the contrary. With billions of dollars on the line, … Continue reading "Half of Big Pharma Studies Fabricated Data, FDA Knows But Ignores It"...
Effect-focused Chemotype Nomenclature

Effect-focused Chemotype Nomenclature

We need better nomenclature for discussing Cannabis, beyond Indica/Sativa or even NLD/BLD/NLH/BLH. Why? Because Strain names are about as informative as band names, and that’s because The same genotype could produce wildly different chemical composition depending on growing practices. There are virtually no pure or true Indica or Sativa cultivars anymore, they are all Hybrids. You never hear about Cannabis ssp Afghanica, the commercial reason we have … Continue reading "Effect-focused Chemotype Nomenclature"...
Terpene Content of Popular “Strains”

Terpene Content of Popular “Strains”

What gives Cannabis its smell and flavor? Terpenes, the aromatic and medicinal chemicals found in the trichomes of the plant, as many as 200. What makes one variety, or “strain” as it’s commonly called, different than another? The mix of those Terpenes create the characteristic flavor. That’s why Blue Dream smells and tastes different than … Continue reading "Terpene Content of Popular “Strains”"...

Court: CBD Legal in E.U.

On 19 November 2020 the European Court of Justice has published the judgment on the Kanavape Court Case C-663/18. It ruled France cannot ban a legal product produced outside the country, in this case Czech Republic. It is analogous to impeding commerce between states in the US. Since Cannabidiol (CBD) is not listed in the … Continue reading "Court: CBD Legal in E.U."...
DEA: HIA Trying to ‘Hijack’ Agency

DEA: HIA Trying to ‘Hijack’ Agency

Ever since HIA sued DEA for legalizing outright 96% of the US hemp industry no max THC, it has no longer been helpful to hempsters, especially HIA. That suit killed hemp foods for years and almost took Canadian hemp down with it. Now the king of PR stunts is at it again: https://hempindustrydaily.com/dea-lashes-out-in-hemp-lawsuit-says-hemp-activists-are-trying-to-hijack-agency-priorities/...
The 1% Solution for Hemp

The 1% Solution for Hemp

While the current standard in the US is that hemp must be less than 0.3% delta-9 THC, for many reasons farmers are eager to see it raised to 1%. Although the psychoactive threshold for THC is almost 1%, that’s only in the absence of CBD of which hemp has at least 10 to 30 times … Continue reading "The 1% Solution for Hemp"...
“Legalization” Isn’t Legalization

“Legalization” Isn’t Legalization

In 2012 Colorado “legalized” adult-use marijuana; it got more votes than either Presidential candidate. Yet, arrests for possession fell by only a little more than half. If anyone can still go to jail for it, it’s not actually legal. California still arrests around 6,000 annually, mostly for possession. Thus, on a per-capita basis, Colorado arrests … Continue reading "“Legalization” Isn’t Legalization"...

New Method to Determine Hemp from Seedlings

Combine “Validating a predictive model of cannabinoid inheritance with feral, clinical, and industrial Cannabis sativa” (2020) with “Recommended methods for the identification and analysis of cannabis and cannabis products” (2009) to argue to USDA for a better definition of hemp. “CONCLUSIONS: Our results extend the generality of the inheritance model for THC:CBD to diverse C. … Continue reading "New Method to Determine Hemp from Seedlings"...
New CBG Seed Approved in E.U.

New CBG Seed Approved in E.U.

Matterhorn (aka: Perugina CBG) is now an official plant variety with the CVPO in Europe. The next step is certification, thereby making it legal for EU farmers. Most certified varieties are for fibre, a few for seed. This is the first Type 4 (CBG dominant) and the first feminized variety. It is available through High … Continue reading "New CBG Seed Approved in E.U."...

How to Legalize Smokable Hemp?

The best way to legalize smokable hemp is to legalize marijuana: “Police Can’t Search You For Smelling Like Marijuana Under New Virginia Law” from Marijuana Moment...

DEA: “Marijuana is Safe”

In 1988 DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis Young wrote in NORML v DEA: “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used” and “marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume.” Read more: OPINION AND … Continue reading "DEA: “Marijuana is Safe”"...

MORE Act: Perfect the Enemy of Good?

The 5% excise tax is my only problem with the bill; even a one-penny-per-ton tax demands to have a big expensive bureaucracy handle its administration. But shall we let perfect be the enemy of good? The devil is in the details, and we have a strong hand with the landslide for reform last Election Day. … Continue reading "MORE Act: Perfect the Enemy of Good?"...

Carl Olsen on the 1307.03 DEA Exemption (video)

Here’s a video on policy hero Carl Olsen on the DEA 1307.03 Federal Exemption for state Medical Cannabis programs. Every medpot state should apply for one to defeat Schedule 1 for medical in that state...

E.U. Fibre Subsidies + 0.3%

The recent passage of rules in the E.U. allowed an increase in max THC to 0.3% from 0.2%. It was 0.3% until 1999. Switzerland (which is not in the E.U.) is 1%, as are many other nations. The legislation also allows importation of foreign seed that is 0.3%, such as the Canadian varieties, subject to … Continue reading "E.U. Fibre Subsidies + 0.3%"...

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