Original Articles


EPA-approved Pesticides for Hemp

EPA-approved pesticides for Hemp. If you think they aren’t needed, in most cases you would be wrong. Not to mention use of herbicides sprayed pre-emergent. And don’t get me started on Nitrogen Read more at: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/pesticide-products-registered-use-hemphttps://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/pesticide-products-registered-use-hemp...
“Biocrete? “Ricecrete?”

“Biocrete? “Ricecrete?”

Looking to start a Hempcrete business? Consider using something other than the most-tightly regulated and expensive fiber crop in history, such as ag waste. Then, if and when appropriate, pivot to hemp. With 561,431 acres of rice grown in Italy, one company uses the massive amount of rice waste to build with. It’s far cheaper … Continue reading "“Biocrete? “Ricecrete?”"...

Hemp Associations Versus Hemp (Again)

In keeping with their long history of hurting hemp (see here, here, here, here, and here), the hemp trade associations now support a new bill in Congress to devastate the young industry by criminalizing Delta-8 and other legal isomers. Ironically, Delta-8 products saved the hemp industry the last two years. It also tightens max THC … Continue reading "Hemp Associations Versus Hemp (Again)"...
ASTM D.37 Needs YOU!

ASTM D.37 Needs YOU!

Have you been in the Cannabis or Hemp production or processing industry for a while? Do you know your stuff? Are you concerned about noobs making Standards that you’ll have to later use, thus want to get them right? Then I strongly suggest you join the ASTM D.37 Cannabis Committee, which includes Hemp. The problem … Continue reading "ASTM D.37 Needs YOU!"...

Grassroots CBD Campaign?

If the national hemp associations in the US and Europe possessed even a smidgen of vision and competence, they would’ve developed a grassroots campaign to protect CBD years ago. Much like the Plant-based foods trade association did in Europe for use of terms like “milk,” for vegan foods. Besides the immediate effect it also builds … Continue reading "Grassroots CBD Campaign?"...
Unlike CBD, Food Variance as High as 1,500%

Unlike CBD, Food Variance as High as 1,500%

Recently many have tried to play “gotcha” with the CBD industry by testing and publicizing the difference between stated and actual CBD content. The latest one called the products “foods” but used a variance of +/-10% instead of the typical 20% variance used in foods. Just one “gotcha.” But all along I’ve been saying “now … Continue reading "Unlike CBD, Food Variance as High as 1,500%"...
All Use Is Medicinal

All Use Is Medicinal

“Recreational” Cannabis or Marijuana is a Prohibitionist construct. Don’t buy into it, it’s a linguistic therefore mind-control trap. In fact, the science-based truth is that All Use Is Medicinal. It’s the newer way for Prohibitionists to divide us, the Cannabis user. Us v Them, but in fact we are All One. Don’t fall for the … Continue reading "All Use Is Medicinal"...

Schedule 1 Workaround

Having a hard time setting up a state-legal marijuana business? Between trademarks, insurance, and banking, they make it as difficult as possible simply because it is still Schedule 1 federally. One workaround is to pivot to a different Cannabis product, namely hemp. Hemp (<0.3% max THC) is federally legal and in every state, yet it … Continue reading "Schedule 1 Workaround"...

CAP is Now 60; it Should Retire

The E.U.’s Common Agriculture Program is 60 years old this year, the farming subsidy scheme. But many decry it’s impact on small farms; they say it favors small hobby and large corporate farms at their expense. One said: “As a farmer, it needs a lot of reforms. Subsidies should take into account productivity and/or conservation … Continue reading "CAP is Now 60; it Should Retire"...
U.N. Blocked by the 10th Amendment

U.N. Blocked by the 10th Amendment

State by state is the way to progress this, same with CBD in foods. States are the “laboratories of democracy.” Force USDA’s hand, one state at a time. That Constitutional novelty, the Tenth Amendment, is what allows states to legalize CBD foods and hemp fodder just like it does all the regulated marijuana states. It’s … Continue reading "U.N. Blocked by the 10th Amendment"...
The Laffer Curve and Pot Taxes

The Laffer Curve and Pot Taxes

If you want to argue reducing pot taxes, whip out the Laffer Curve...
KY Reduces Max THC in Hemp by up to 25%

KY Reduces Max THC in Hemp by up to 25%

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture is reducing the THC limit for 2022 by as much as 25%. That’s extra-legislative: Congressional intent was 0.3%, one decimal place. That covers up to 0.39999%. KDA’s blame of Congress for the extra decimal place is shameful. Ironically, Kentucky has long treated hemp horribly and enabled those sucking hundreds of … Continue reading "KY Reduces Max THC in Hemp by up to 25%"...

Lessons from Cali Hemp

California’s Industrial Hemp Advisory Board is a lesson in who is really our ally and who isn’t. A few years ago when it started the two biggest hemp companies there were put on it despite their long commitment to purchasing from Canada and China. The owner of one was even made President. They didn’t encourage … Continue reading "Lessons from Cali Hemp"...

“My, Aren’t We Tall!”

Attention Hempsters: the pioneers whose shoulders you stand upon are still around. You aren’t really that tall, just look down and give us a high-five. Those who pioneered hemp textiles, hemp food, hempseed oil nutrition, hempcrete, hemp breeding, and CBD we’re still here! Although to look at hemp expo speaker schedules and the hemp media, … Continue reading "“My, Aren’t We Tall!”"...
Time for a Hemp Food Association?

Time for a Hemp Food Association?

Don’t you think hemp’s first billion dollar industry, hemp foods, deserves its own trade association? There’s a building one and a fiber one and a CBD one and an animal food one but not one for “Hemp 2.0,” seed for food, and its unique challenges. There are numerous segment-specific initiatives needed such as hemp food … Continue reading "Time for a Hemp Food Association?"...
Hemp Food vs Medibles

Hemp Food vs Medibles

One issue Hemp Food companies have to manage is the consumer perception that these drug-free foods will get them high, or make them fail a drug test. Part of the reason for that, one that was easier to address in the ‘90s, is the rise in the regulated market for “medibles,” or marijuana edibles. The … Continue reading "Hemp Food vs Medibles"...
France Comes to Its Senses

France Comes to Its Senses

France dropped its fleeting ban on the use of hemp flowers. Must’ve been the “big shouting” and “riots.” “We decide something, then put it in the room and wait for a while to see what happens. If there is no big shouting and no riots because most people do not understand what has been decided, … Continue reading "France Comes to Its Senses"...
“Vegan” vs. “Plant-based”

“Vegan” vs. “Plant-based”

It might be time to differentiate between vegan foods that are made with real food ingredients and those that are made to be as realistic to meat as possible, typically using powders. Perhaps “Vegan” for the former and “Plant-based” for the latter. Especially when restaurants may not be segregating their prep and cooking surfaces and … Continue reading "“Vegan” vs. “Plant-based”"...

Cannabidivarin (CBDv)

Hemp varieties high in Cannabidivarin (CBDv) are now available. Here are 90 papers on PubMed mentioning CBDv:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=cannabidivarin&sort=date&size=100...
Huge Ancient Hempseed

Huge Ancient Hempseed

In a 1,300-year old Chinese tomb they found hempseed twice as large as usual: No doubt, as in the ‘90s I hired leading Cannabis breeders to develop a large-seeded hemp variety not unlike that, huge seeds weighing in at 17/gram. The parents were from Yunnan, China. Huge seeds meant to be shelled into HempNut brand … Continue reading "Huge Ancient Hempseed"...

CBD vs Covid, Again

CBD prevented viral replication in lung cells and people on CBD had lower Covid infection rates: Cannabidiol inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication through induction of the host ER stress and innate immune responses “The spread of SARS-CoV-2 and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic underscores the need for new treatments. Here we report that cannabidiol (CBD) inhibits infection of SARS-CoV-2 … Continue reading "CBD vs Covid, Again"...

PubMed: “Cannabinoid + Covid”

U.S.-government funded PubMed returns 88 papers for the keyword search “Cannabinoid + Covid:” See them at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Cannabinoid+Covid&sort=date&size=100...

New Hemp Cannabinoid-based Fermented Anti-aging Food Ingredient

Here’s a GoFundMe for an interesting new hemp cannabinoid-based fermented anti-aging food ingredient. Like most innovators in Canadian hemp, he had to wrestle the government to launch it. “Canterpene Bioderivative Anti-Aging TechnologyGoal: $2,000,000” See it at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/canterpene-bioderivative-antiaging-technology...
CBDa and CBGa Effective Against Covid

CBDa and CBGa Effective Against Covid

This study found CBDa and CBGa effective against the Covid virus but only in vitro. Now to test on live beings before we get too excited. Read it at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35007072/...

NPA Sues FDA over Exclusion

CBD companies should line up to help; the same Exclusionary Rule blocks them. THC vendors too, they’ll run up against this eventually too: “NPA filed a lawsuit in December of last year challenging FDA’s wrongful application of the ‘exclusionary clause’ of DSHEA regarding the dietary ingredient NAC. NPA is asking the industry and industry trade … Continue reading "NPA Sues FDA over Exclusion"...
Legalizing Will Save 1.1% of all Rx $

Legalizing Will Save 1.1% of all Rx $

The US could save $500,000,000 annually in prescription drug costs if medical marijuana was legal, and that’s just the Medicare Part D costs. Extrapolated to all US prescription costs not just Part D (disabled and retired), the annual savings is almost $4 billion, 1.1% of all prescription drug expenditures. With the 51-year lie of marijuana … Continue reading "Legalizing Will Save 1.1% of all Rx $"...

A Hidden Origin Story of the CBD Craze

“For decades, Dr. Carlini’s research was not replicated, in part because so few people had access to the compound: Both the pot held at the nation’s sole government-sanctioned marijuana lab at the University of Mississippi and the illegal pot being smoked around the country had only trace CBD content. (Mr. Turner even tested several kinds … Continue reading "A Hidden Origin Story of the CBD Craze"...
Cannabis Nomenclature: 3-legged Stool?

Cannabis Nomenclature: 3-legged Stool?

We could look at Cannabis nomenclature as a 3-legged stool: chemotype, genotype, phenotype. But how to express them easily is The Art. Sativa/Indica is sooo 18th Century. Especially with 150 cannabinoids and 200 terpenes giving us 30,000 possible combinations just on chemo alone. Types 1-6 work defining by cannabinoid ratios, the chemotype. “OG x NL5” … Continue reading "Cannabis Nomenclature: 3-legged Stool?"...

Three Kings Day

From historian Chris Bennett:“Today in Poland and Lithuania, and in former times also in Russia, on Christmas Eve when it is believed that the dead visit their families, a soup made of hemp seeds, called ‘semieniatka,’ is served for the dead souls to savor. In Latvia and the Ukraine, a dish made of hemp was … Continue reading "Three Kings Day"...

Pot Taxes: Epic Fail

Don’t be so quick to embrace marijuana taxes. There shouldn’t even be a tax: savings from non-enforcement is an order of magnitude greater. Adding taxes on top of that is double-dipping. They’re shooting themselves in the foot with high taxes; take budget from the drug squad windfall savings instead. Even a mere 0.0001% tax demands … Continue reading "Pot Taxes: Epic Fail"...

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